DJ Snoopadelic Gifting 20 Tickets to Single Mothers in Montreal for Namaste Party Celebrating POUNDS Accessories

DJ Snoopadelic (CNW Group/Namaste Technologies Inc.) has a new idea for parents.

Okay, we know single parenthood can be tough and a concert is a great way to relieve stress but is this going too far?  We won’t opine…

Namaste Technologies Inc.  has announced that DJ Snoopadelic, an international superstar, entertainment icon and cannabis entrepreneur, will gift ten pairs of tickets to single mothers in Montreal via for an exclusive, invite only event with Namaste Technologies on September 12 at New City Gas, Montreal.

The gifted tickets will be available to the first ten submissions on on Tuesday at 12pm EDT, the day before the event. Raised by a single mother himself, Snoop wanted to do something special for the community of Montreal.

Snoop Dogg is a successful entrepreneur in the cannabis industry including a partnership with Canadian licensed producer, Canopy Growth Corporation, and co-founding MERRY JANE, the leading global cannabis news and lifestyle media platform.

POUNDS Accessories is a company Snoop launched in 2017 to bring an elevated experience to glassware enthusiasts and connoisseurs worldwide. The event in Montreal is with POUNDS online distributor Namaste and will also feature special musical guests “APB” from Toronto.(CNW Group/Namaste Technologies Inc.)

Please contact [email protected] for details.