Cat Rapper iAmMoshow Teams Up with ARM & HAMMER™ CLUMP & SEAL™ SLIDE™ Cat Litter to Release New Video for His Single “Slide”

iAmMoshow, The Cat Rapper™ teams up with Arm & Hammer to release new single "Slide." If the official "Slide" YouTube video receives 1 million views by January 31, 2019, Arm & Hammer will donate $10,000 to Mac's Fund, a cat welfare organization.

Arm & Hammer pledges to donate $10,000 to Mac’s Fund, a cat welfare organization, if video receives one million views.  Figured we’ll help the cause…

Today, iAmMoshow, the internet’s favorite cat rapper, and Arm & Hammer are celebrating National Cat Day by releasing a new YouTube video for iAmMoshow’s single “Slide.” For those who are wondering how iAmMoshow has five cats and still maintains an odor-free house he reveals his secret in the lyrics of “Slide.” To help raise awareness for trap-neuter-return programs, Arm & Hammer has pledged to donate $10,000 to Mac’s Fund if the “Slide” video hits one million views by January 31, 2019.

  • Click here to watch “Slide.”

Like all of iAmMoshow’s videos, he uses catchy lyrics and an infectious smile to spread his positivity and love for cats. In “Slide,” he tackles one topic of cat ownership that is often dreaded, cleaning the litter box.

“Whenever people come to my house they say ‘you have five cats and I don’t smell a thing,'” said iAmMoshow, The Cat Rapper. “I wanted to write the ‘Slide’ rap because I’ve always been a fan of Arm & Hammer cat litter. Not only is it easy to clean because it doesn’t stick to the sides of the litter box, but it also doesn’t leave dust particles on my cats. SLIDE litter keeps my house and my cats so fresh and so clean.”

With more than 420,000 Facebook followers and most recognized for his Cat Bath RapCat Emotionsand Cat World videos, iAmMoshow has built a strong online community for people to encourage and support one another’s fondness for cats. Having just released his third album, his songs help educate and raise awareness about issues related to cat welfare. Topics include, supporting animal shelters, trap-neuter-return programs, the benefits of not declawing cats, adopting verses shopping for a cat and a reminder to consider adopting black cats, which are often overlooked or unwanted.

“iAmMoshow’s work aligns with many of our core values around celebrating the unique bond between pet owners and their pets and supporting organizations dedicated to cat health and welfare,” said Elizabeth Joe, Group Brand Manager, Arm & Hammer Pet Care. “We appreciate the amount of playfulness and fun iAmMoshow brings to his songs which made us eager to collaborate with him. We hope people enjoy “Slide” and it makes a chore like cleaning the litter box more enjoyable.”

Arm & Hammer will donate $10,000 to Mac’s Fund if the official “Slide” YouTube video reaches one million views by January 31, 2019.

For more information, please visit, and check out @armandhammercat on Instagram.