A Ton of Love (and Aid) Delivered to Abandoned Animals in Time for the Holidays

A welcome holiday present: American Humane and Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food delivered a ton of love in the form of nutritious free food to dogs waiting for forever homes.

American Humane and Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food deliver 2,000 pounds of free, premium food for hungry, frightened animals

BLACKSHEAR, Ga., Dec. 24, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The holidays will be a little brighter for hundreds of abandoned animals without forever homes who are waiting in a local refuge for a second chance at life. American Humane, the country’s first national humane organization, and Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food delivered a ton of love in the form of much-needed nutritious food to abandoned animals being temporarily housed by rescue group Animal Aid USA at Camp Animal Aid in Blackshear, Georgia.

This is the latest donation in an ambitious national campaign called “Fill-a-Bowl… Feed-a-Soulâ„¢” to help care for shelter pets waiting for their forever homes. Together, American Humane and Chicken Soup for the Soul are distributing more than one million meals annually of all-natural Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food to U.S. shelters and pet food distribution centers, which house, feed and care for millions of animals each year.

“We are tremendously grateful to American Humane and Chicken Soup for the Soul for this generous donation,” said Karen Talbot, the founder of Animal Aid USA, which has rescued nearly 30,000 abandoned animals and continues to rescue more than 300 a month. “This donated food will help sustain and brighten the holidays for many animals who do not yet have a forever home.”

“This campaign helps animals when they need help most,” said Robin Ganzert, PhD, president and CEO of American Humane. “For what they are doing to help these pets during the holidays and so many more who need and deserve our help and love all year round, a big thank-you to our friends at Chicken Soup for the Soul!”

Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food CEO Chris Mitchell said, “We’re pleased that we can provide assistance to animals in need and we are glad to be working with American Humane on this vital campaign that will save so many lives.”