Squatty Potty ‘Craps on Cancer’ in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month; Donating 50% of Revenue from October 26-28 Sales

Crap on Cancer

The special edition soft-pink Squatty Potty was created to support Breast Cancer Awareness and Susan Komen Foundation.

Squatty Potty, known for their development of the Squatty Potty® toilet stool and spray, is holding a Crap on Cancer promotion October 26th, 27th and 28th, 2018 in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Squatty Potty has announced that it will donate half of its website proceeds earned over the three (3) day period.  In addition, they have created a beautiful soft-pink Squatty Potty especially for this campaign. The three-day net profits from the website will be donated to the Susan Komen for the CURE foundation.

Squatty Potty chose the Susan Komen foundation because of their ongoing efforts to fight breast cancer on multiple fronts in research, community health and global outreach. It is estimated that the Susan Komen has raised over $2-billion dollars in a race for a cure.

Squatty Potty has a personal connection to this cause. “One of our own is a recent survivor of an aggressive breast cancer diagnosis.  We are always looking for an opportunity to give back.  We have supported causes in the fight against breast, colorectal cancer and autism.  Sharing our net proceeds and supporting better community health is a way for us to give back, explained Squatty Potty Co-founder, Bobby Edwards.

Watch a story of our (Linda Stay) loved one’s fight: https://youtu.be/wEonGqxUcRc

For more information visit https://www.squattypotty.com/